HBM4EU partners introduced the project to a range of audiences at a number of scientific conferences and events focused on sound chemicals management and public health.
Below is a list of these events:
Events in 2023
HBM4EU participation in conferences and workshops
- 11 September: EUROTOX2023 congress – selected to present “Human Biomonitoring – a view to the future based on current achievements”
Events in 2022
HBM4EU participation in conferences and workshops
- 11 January: HBM4EU-MOM at the International Conference on Prenatal Programming and Toxicity by Dr. Andromachi Katsonouri
- 12 May: Ministerial conference on “Chemical Products: Better protection of health and the environment” at the occasion of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU
- 9 March: ‘Can human biomonitoring, combined with fish consumption advice to pregnant women, help to control prenatal exposure to mercury?’ Minamata United Nations side event in preparation of the Fourth Conference of Parties (COP-4) of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.
- 30 September: “Impacts of early life exposure to environmental contaminants children s health in the Anthropocene” in Evora, Portugal.
HBM4EU events in 2022
- 10 February: Granada 3rd Workshop HBM4EU Final WP13–WP14 workshop (hybrid).
- 25 February: Robert Barouki on ‘Bisphenols and alternatives’ pesticides too – m in relation to PARC – workshop to discuss the transfers of activities on the compounds that we are prioritised (bisphenols, pesticides, metals…)
- 30-31 March: Workshop Towards Policy Uptake of HBM4EU Results organised by VITO, University of Antwerp.
- 6 April: HBM4EU Online Workshop “How to efficiently link chemical exposures with Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) to assist Risk Assessment?”
- 28-29 April: Final HBM4EU Conference & Exhibition (hybrid), Thon Hotel EU, Brussels.
- 2 May: HBM4EU PFAS workshop ‘Human biomonitoring as a tool to address public health concerns in PFAS hotspots: investigation, communication and risk management’.
- 2 June: Final Stakeholder Forum
Events in 2021
- 27-28 January: EXPOSOME SYMPOSIUM (Mount Sinai, Utrecht, NIEHS, Brescia) – virtual. Dr Robert Barouki gave a talk about the legacy of HBM4EU and the PARC perspectives.
- 24-25 March: Nordic HBM Workshop: “Nordic workshop for scientists and regulatory agencies discussing HBM4EU – The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative”, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 12 May: Royal Society of Chemistry Atomic Spectroscopy “European Human Biomonitoring Project to Determine Occupational Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium”, Speaker: Dr Elizabeth Leese, Health and Safety Executive, Buxton.
- 17 May – 16 June: A virtual poster exhibition, organised by EFSA and FDA: How is HBM4EU building trust-based relationships with citizens?
- 22-26 May: European Congress of Endocrinology, Dr Marike Kolossa-Gehring.
- 2-3 June: Green Week virtual conference and stand (Dr Robert Barouki presented on HBM4EU in the session ‘Counting down to a cleaner future: monitoring the risks of hazardous chemicals’ and Joana Lobo Vicente on ‘Filling the knowledge gaps on exposure to pollution: a holistic approach with the Human Exposome Network’.
- 7 June: “Exposure and Effects in the Context of the Exposome Paradigm” – Dr Greet Schoeters discussed the complexity of human environmental exposures and particularly the links between chemical exposures and socioeconomic status.
- 10 June: 8th UK & Ireland Occupational and Environmental Exposure Science Meeting “Biomonitoring exposure to chromates” Speaker: Kate Jones (HSE Science and Research Centre).
- 21-25 June: 17th edition of RECETOX Summer School with a special focus on Health, Social and Environmental Epidemiology. Among the speakers were Sofie Norager and Gary Miller from the HBM4EU Advisory Board.
- 16 July: WHO Workshop – Global Chemicals and Health Network Webinar on Human Biomonitoring in health decision-making: ’HBM4EU: Human Biomonitoring for Europe and for Germany’ by Dr Marike Kolossa-Gehring.
- 16 July-6 August: Summer School 2021 – One Health EJP ‘Environmental health: how are chemical exposure, human biomonitoring and climate change linked?’ by Joana Lobo Vicente and Susana Viegas.
- 23-26 August: 33rd Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology hosted by Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York, United States. Two posters – ‘The value of Human Biomonitoring to assess chemical exposure and support policies: perceptions of the European population’ and ‘Methylmercury Risk Assessment based on European Human Biomonitoring Data’.
- 30 August – 2 September: Two presentations accepted to the ISES2021 conference (virtual)- Multisector Engagement for Addressing Emerging Environmental Exposures. Two presentations – Human Exposure to cadmium and anemia: a systematic review and Human exposure to lead and anemia: results from a systematic review.
- 8 September: ‘Workshop on Human Biomonitoring: State of the Science” – Two presentations by Dr Marike Kolossa-Gehring 1) ‘Biomonitoring in Europe’ and 2) ‘HBM4EU’ and one by Ovnair Sepai ‘UK perspectives on Biomonitoring’.
- 21-22 September: Third annual forum on endocrine disruptors, – Dr Marike Kolossa-Gehring: ‘HBM4EU’.
- 29 September: EuroTox 2021 – Speaker: Mariana Fernandez, “Exposure to real-life PFAS mixtures present in several human matrices, assessed with ex vivo effect biomarkers”, in the session “Is there a human risk to PFAS exposure?”
- 27-28 September: Virtual International Conference on Food Contaminants (ICFC2021): Challenges on early-life exposure (organised by INSA): ‘European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals’ by Christophe Rousselle and ‘Exposure of vulnerable populations to Mercury: the HBM in Spain’ by Marta Esteban López.
- 28 September: Webinar on implementation of Minamata Convention in the Health Sector (WHO-Europe), Dr Andromachi Katsonouri submitted information on our work HBM4EU activities relevant to the WHO Technical expert.
- 6 October: European Reference Lab of Mycotoxins. Speaker: Paula Alvito ‘Mycotoxins and plant toxins’
- 31 October – 4 November: 4th PTIM2021 Edition 4th International Caparica Conference on Pollutant Toxic Ions and Molecules 2021. Mariana Fernandez presented “Prenatal co-exposure to neurotoxic metals and neurodevelopment in preschool children: The Environment and Childhood (INMA) Project”.
- 8-10 November: A virtual conference “Europe Biobank Week 2021” The session “Biobanking and Exposure Science” showcased results from HBM4EU. Speakers: Jan Koschorreck, Greet Schöters, Sanghwan Song, Martina Bartel-Steinbach. Keynote session on “The Role of Biobanks and Human Biomonitoring for Human Health – Its value for policymaking and its future perspective in Europe”. Speaker: Dr. Marike Kolossa-Gehring
- 10-12 November: Presentations to the European Public Health (EPH) Conference (virtual)
- Speakers: Hanna Elonheimo, Andromachi Katsonouri, Helle Raun Andersen ‘Environmental substances associated with Alzheimer’s Disease’.
- Joana Lobo Vicente, Susana Viegas and colleagues, presented at the “Climate change influence in the exposure to several risk factors: One Health approach as a solution?” (Joana’s presentation: “Climate Change and the effects on the environment and exposure to chemicals”)
- 18 November: BfR Symposium on “Challenges in Public Health Protection in the 21st Century: New Methods, Omics and Novel Concepts in Toxicology” (organised by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research NAMs. Mirjam Luijten was present in an expert discussion on NAMs, and HBM4EU’s importance in policymaking.
- 29-30 November: International Exposome Conference 2021 online. “A human exposome approach on industrial contaminated sites and health concerns”. This conference is organised by TNO together with the Institute for Occupational Medicine and Cyprus University of Technology within an exposome capacity building project Exposogas. Keynote speaker: Dr Tony Fletcher (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine).
HBM4EU Events 2021
- 21 January: Chromate studies training webinar
- 24 March: Session 4: Dealing with data breaches (HBM4EU Data Protection awareness sessions)
- 8 April: Aligned studies’ webinar on the availability of aggregated data for the aligned studies in the internal pages
- 28-29 April: PFAS workshop
- 5 May: Session 5: Data subject rights and research (HBM4EU Data Protection awareness sessions)
- 17 July: Session 6: Transfer of personal data to a third country (HBM4EU Data Protection awareness sessions)
- 8 September: Session 7: Managing information security risks (HBM4EU Data Protection awareness sessions)
- 20-24 September: Annual HBM4EU week: 5th and final Consortium Meeting in Berlin and online.
- 6 October: Fluoros-PFAS meeting
- 14-15 October: Chemical Mixtures: Lessons we are learning from HBM4EU
- 17 November: Session 8: Privacy issues with Artificial Intelligence: going down the rabbit hole – (HBM4EU Data Protection awareness sessions)
- 23-24 November: HBM4EU Workshop on aligned studies (23-24 November 2021)
Events in 2020
HBM4EU participation in conferences and workshops
- 15 January: World Mycotoxin Forum, Bangkok, Thailand. Dr Paula Alvito presented HBM4EU results concerning ‘Toxicological assessment of process-related mycotoxins at a regulatory level’ during the Plenary Session.
- 21 January: Presentation at the National Council on Chemicals Management
- 2 – 13 February: HBM4EU EFSA meeting, Parma (Italy). Greet Schoeters presented.
- 21 February: Exposome Workshop in Milan, Italy.
- 5-6 March: EXPOSOME conference, New York; Dr Marike Kolossa-Gehring presented ‘Biomonitoring, Mixtures, and the Exposome’. HBM4EU presentation is available here.
- 22 – 24 April: 10th-INCHES (10th International Conference on Children’s Health and the Environment), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- 3-7 May: SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting in Dublin, Ireland. Luděk Bláha presented in the session ‘Novel Tools and Bioassays for the 21st Century Environmental Toxicology‘.
- 11 June: Netherlands Society of Toxicology (NVT) Annual Meeting. Theme: ‘“The (r)evolution of toxicological models – how to address safety in target species”, The Netherlands.
- 23 – 27 August: ISEE Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA
- 6 – 10 September: AIRMON, Bristol, UK.
- 21-22 September: ISES Virtual 2020 Oakland. Virtual Symposium with 8 presentations by Esteban López M., Göen T., Nübler S., Mol H., Koch HM., Antignac JP., Vaccher V., Dvorakova D., Hajslova J and Castaño on the HBM4U QA/QC program: ensuring the comparability and promoting capacity building.
- 2 October: HBMC2020 – Human Biomonitoring for science and chemical policy 2020
- 12-16 October: The 16th World Congress of Public Health – virtual. HBM4EU presented two papers: Environmental substances associated with osteoporosis and Metabolic syndrome and endocrine disrupting chemicals: exposure and health effects
- 4-5 November: EEA presented HBM4EU at the National Reference Centre (NRC) meeting on Environment and Health
- 17-18 December: 2nd EDC Forum (DG ENV). HBM4EU’s results on EDCs (phthalates, bisphenols)
HBM4EU Events 2020
- 10th January: Stakeholder event on the evaluation of the sustainable use of pesticides Directive 2009/128/EC and impact assessment of its planned revision. Dr Helle Raun Andersen presented ‘A public health perspective‘.
- 12 – 13 February: HBM4EU EFSA meeting, Parma (Italy). Greet Schoeters presented.
- 21 February: Exposome Workshop in Milan, 21st of February.
- 27 February: Working Group on Aspects of Empowerment, Inclusiveness and Equity in Citizen Science, of ECSA (European City Science Association). (outcome from the ECSITE 2019 conference with EEA)
- 11-15 May: 4th HBM4EU training school, 11th – 15th May. Innsbruck, Austria.
- 28 September – 1 October: HBM4EU Annual week meeting in Berlin
- 18 November: Portuguese National Hub – 3rd Workshop on Human Biomonitoring in Portugal
- 10-11 December: 31st Edition on Eionet Network Spain
Events in 2019
HBM4EU participation in conferences and workshops
- 22 January: Biomonitoring – human and environmental perspectives at the Royal Society of Chemistry, London, United Kingdom
- 22 – 23 February: HBM4EU presentation at the Environment Protection Agency Network meeting, Oslo, Norway
- 22 February: COST meeting
- 26 February: Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Environmental Specimen Bank
- 11 – 12 April: Climatico 2019 International Conference on Climate Change in the Mediterranean, Limassol, Cyprus
- 6 – 8 May: 41st Mycotoxin Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal.
- 21 May: Pint of Science Festival. Outreach to citizens with the presentation Chemicals: Good Bad and the Ugly, UK
- 23 May: International Symposium of Environmental Medicine 2019, Taipei, Taiwan
- 23 and 24 May: International Conference on Integrated Problem-Solving Approaches to Ensure Schoolchildren’s Health, Budapest, Hungary
- 26 – 30 May: SETAC Europe 29th annual meeting, Helsinki, Finland
- 6 – 8 June: Ecsite Annual Conference 2019 Pushing Boundaries, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 7 – 8 June: Conference of the Estonian Society of Toxicology on Environmental chemicals and human biomonitoring, Estonia
- 18 June 2019, Presentation at DG SANTE-SCHEER, Brussels, Belgium
- 27 June, Spanish Congress of Toxicology (XXIII Congreso Español de Toxicología y VII Iberoamericano, Seville, Spain (26- 28 June 2019)
- 4 – 5 July: ISES Europe Europe Regional Chapter of the International Society of Exposure Science, RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
- 5 july‚ Conference on Advances in Public Health Research. Institute of Biosanitary Research (ibs.GRANADA), Granada, Spain
- 18 – 22 August: ISES-ISIAQ 2019 – Joint conference of International Societies of Exposure Science (ISES) and Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), Kaunas, Lithuania
- 25 – 28 August: The 31st annual conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE 2019) , Utrecht, the Netherlands
- 28 – 30 August: 11th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health (ISBM-11), Leuven, Belgium
- 8 – 11 September: EUROTOX 2019 – 55th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Helsinki, Finland
- 8 – 13 September: ICMGP 2019 – The 14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Krakow, Poland
- 25th September: PFAS Working Group meeting at the European Chemicals Agency, Helsinki, Finland
- 26 – 27 September: ICFC2019 3rd International Conference on Food Contaminants – Challenges on Risk Assessment, Aveiro, Portugal
- 8 – 11 October: Europe Biobank Week 2019 at MuK, Lübeck, Germany
- October: Meeting of the Polish Society of Industrial Hygienists, Hungary
- 25 October: 2nd HBM-PT Workshop on Human Biomonitoring, Portugal
- 30 October: ‘Information day, Centre of Endocrine Disrupting substances (CeHoS)”, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 30 – 31 October: upcoming High Tech Summit to be held at DTU, during a session on chemicals. Focus is on big data and digitalisation, Denmark
- 5 – 8 November: ”9th International Symposium on recent Advances in Food Analysis” (RAFA 2019), Prague, Czech Republic
- 11 – 13 November: EU-OSHA campaign Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances, EU OSHA, Bilbao, Spain
- 14 November: ADEREST (Épidémiologie en santé au travail), France
- 14 November: Jornada Científica Ciberesp 2019, Madrid, Spain
- 15 November: CIBER Epidemiologia y Salud Publica, The Spanish National Health Institute Carlos III , Madrid, Spain
- 21 November: Science and policy making in Portugal, Portugal
- 20 – 23 November: European Public Health Conference, Marseille, France
- 27 – 28 November: Carcinogenic roadmap, Helsinki, Finland: “Working together to eliminate occupational cancer”. Workshop 1: Biomonitoring exposure to occupational carcinogens at workplaces (together with HBM4EU).
- 28 November: BTS Oxfordshire regional event, England.
- 3 – 4 December: Planetary Health, Helsinki, Finland.
HBM4EU Internal Events
- 12 February: Stakeholder consultation organised by the Israeli National Hub
- March: Israeli National Hub – Ministry of Health conference on Environmental Tobacco Smoke which will focus on HBM results and methods.
- May: Focus group discussion on chemical safety with members of the public. Lisbon, Portugal
- 19 – 21 June:-3rd HBM4EU Training Event, Brno, Czechia
- 24 September: Focus group discussion on chemical safety with members of the public. Dublin, Ireland
- 01 October: Focus group discussion on chemical safety with members of the public. London, UK
- 9 October: 3rd Consortium Meeting
- 10 October: 3rd Stakeholder Forum meeting
- 10 October: 3rd Advisory Board meeting
- 11 October: 3rd Governing Board meeting
Events in 2018
HBM4EU participation in conferences and workshops
HBM4EU partners are introducing our exciting project to a range of audiences at a broad range of scientific conferences and events focused on sound chemicals management and public health. Below is a list of events at which HBM4EU has been presented.
- 18 – 21 April: 10th Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries and the 12th Serbian Congress of Toxicology, Belgrade, Serbia
- 29 – 30 May: Advancing the Assessment of Chemical Mixtures and their Risks for Human Health and the Environment, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy
- 2 – 3 May: AgriResearch Conference, Brussels, Belgium
- 27 – 30 May: PPTOX VI Conference, Faroe Islands, Denmark
- 9 – 14 July: ESOF – EuroScience Open Forum, Toulouse, France
- 26 – 30 August: ISES – ISEE 2018 – The Joint Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, Ottawa, Canada
- 18 – 21 September: The EFSA 2018 Conference, European Food Safety Authority, Parma, Italy
- 30 – 31 October: European Environment Agency’s National Reference Centre Meeting in Environment and Health, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 19 – 23 November: Second meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP2), Geneva, Switzerland
- 13 December: FRAM-seminar – EU research and policies on combined exposure to mixtures of chemicals, Gothenburg, Sweden
HBM4EU Events
- February: Focus group discussion on chemical safety with members of the public in Austria, Vienna, Austria
- 8 February: Introductory presentation of HBM4EU to the European National Focal Points at the European Environment Agency, Copenhagen
- 6 March: Joint meeting of the Management Board and the EU policy Board on prioritisation, Brussels, Belgium
- 11 May: 1st Workshop on Human Biomonitoring in Lisbon, Portugal -“Bridging Chemical Exposure to Human Health”
- 29 – 30 May: Joint H2020 Workshop – Advancing the Assessment of Chemical Mixtures and their Risks for Human Health and the Environment, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, IT
- 14 – 15 June: Workshop: Linking HBM and health studies. What are possible opportunities and obstacles? Brussels, Belgium
- 20 June: Stakeholder workshop on priorities for a future HBM4EU initiative, Brussels, Belgium
- 13 September: National Hub Contact Point and Stakeholder Meeting, Netherlands
- 18 – 22 June: 1st HBM4EU Training Event, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- 24 September: Workpackage meetings, Vienna, Austria
- 25 September: Consortium Meeting, Vienna, Austria
- 26 September: Meeting of the Stakeholder Forum, Meeting of the Advisory Board, Vienna, Austria
- 27 September: Meeting of the Governing Board, Vienna, Austria
- 28 September: Conference under the auspices of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union “Human Biomonitoring in Europe – science and policy for healthy citizens”, Vienna, Austria
- 8 – 9 November: EU Case Study Workshop – Workshop with EU policy makers and stakeholders on policy uptake of human biomonitoring data
- 15 – 16 November: Meeting of the Management Board, Berlin, Germany
- 19 – 23 November: 2nd HBM4EU Training Event, in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- 3 December: HBM4EU French National Hub Meeting, Paris, France
Events in 2017
HBM4EU participation in conferences and workshops
- 4 – 5 April: MeTra Workshop, Berlin, Germany
- 27 April: Basel Convention COP13, Rotterdam Convention COP8 and Stockholm Convention COP8, Geneva, Switzerland
- 8 – 9 June: 2nd Fresenius Mixtox Conference: Toxicity of Chemical Mixtures: Risk, Hazard and Exposure Assessment, Cologne, Germany
- 13 – 15 June: The Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Ostrava, Czech Republic
- 21 – 23 June: XIV Spanish and IV Iberoamerican Congress of Environmental Health, Zaragoza, Spain
- 13 – 15 September: Global Biobank Week 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
- 23 September: European Chemicals Agency Risk Assessment Committee (ECHA RAC), Helsinki, Finland
- October: Presentation at SCOEL
- 1 – 4 October: 10th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring, Naples, Italy
- 6 October: European Health Forum Gastein, Bad Gastein, Austria
- 10 – 11 October: Nordic Chemicals Summit, Innovations in Product Safety and Progressive Chemicals Management, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 15 – 19 October: International Society of Exposure Science, 27th Annual Meeting, North Carolina, USA
- 1 – 4 November: 10th European Public Health Conference, Stockholm, Sweden
- 17 November: Royal Society of Chemistry, Assessing and Managing Real Life Risks from Chemical Mixtures, London, UK
- 22 November: Swiss Public Health Conference, Personalised Health from a Public Health Perspective, Basel, Switzerland
The HBM4EU project was launched in 2016 with the aim of improving the collective understanding of human exposure to hazardous chemicals and developing HBM as an exposure assessment method. The project had €74m in funding and jointly implemented by 120 partners from 28 participating countries – 24 EU member states plus Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Israel and the European Environment Agency. One of its aims was to ensure the sustainability of HBM in the EU beyond 2021. The project ended in June 2022. The website will not be updated any longer, except the page on peer reviewed publications, but will be online until 2032.