HBM4EU occupational biomonitoring study on hexavalent chromium and other harmful chemicals, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

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Last Updated: 25-03-2019 14:23


In the HMB4EU hexavalent chromium occupational exposure study (Ndaw et al., 2017) exposed workers and controls from companies performing chrome plating, surface treatment with chromates or stainless steel welding will be recruited from eight countries, namely: Belgium, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, The Netherlands and United Kingdom. In order to achieve comparable data in a harmonised way, the enclosed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are intended to be used. Every participating country is obliged to, as far as is reasonable possible, follow these procedures. The SOPs for the selection of participants and recruitment, information to the participants, informed consent (annex 1), completion of questionnaires (annex 2) and instructions for blood, EBC, urine, air and wipe sampling (annexes 3-7), and procedure for comparing occupational hygiene measurements with exposure estimates generated using REACH models (annex 8), are annexed.