Last Updated: 21-06-2018 7:52
The relationship between occupational exposure to chromium has been investigated in numerous studies, with results showing correlations between exposure levels and chromium levels in blood and urine. On the other hand, several studies have demonstrated that chromium forms protein-DNA crosslinks and DNA adducts, and that these endpoints may be potentially useful biological markers, indicating the possibility of genotoxic effects or cancer in humans exposed to chromium. This communication intends to present the most relevant effect biomarkers that can be used to characterize the early biological effects from exposure to chromate. In addition, it intends to present the procedure for blood sampling, storage and treatment within the HBM4EU occupational health study, in order to have it harmonised among partners. In fact, this pre-analytical phase of blood samples preparation is central for the success of the analytical phase and to ensure that the biomarkers results are reliable.