List of deliverables

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Work package 1: Programme management and coordination

Grant agreement, November 2016

Deliverable 1.2 Establishment of the HBM4EU Governing Board, March 2017

Deliverable 1.5 Legal and Ethics Policy Paper, September 2018

Deliverable 1.8 Establishment of Stakeholder Forum and Advisory Board


Work package 2: Knowledge hub

Deliverable 2.1 HBM4EU Website, March 2017

Deliverable 2.2 Strategy for the communication and dissemination of HBM4EU results, March 2017

Deliverable 2.3 2018 Strategy for the communication and dissemination of HBM4EU results

Deliverable 2.4 2018 Programme of training activities, materials and capacity building mechanism 

Deliverable 2.5 2019 Strategy for the communication and dissemination of HBM4EU results, October 2018

Deliverable 2.7 Online library content and use, November 2018


Work package 4: Prioritisation and input to the annual work plan

Deliverable 4.1 Template for the submission of rapid requests, May 2017

Deliverable 4.2 Scoping documents on HBM4EU priority substances for 2018, June 2017

Deliverable 4.3 Prioritisation strategy and criteria

Deliverable Report 4.4 – First report on the stakeholder consultation and the mapping of needs

Deliverable 4.5 Second list of HBM4EU priority substances and Chemical Substance Group Leaders for 2019-2021



Work package 5: Translation of results into policy

Deliverable 5.1 Human biomonitoring in risk assessment: analysis of the current practice and 1st examples on the use of HBM in risk assessments of HBM4EU priority chemicals

Additional Deliverable 5.1 A (phased) plan for action: how structured multi-actor dialogues on human biomonitoring results can facilitate targeted policy action (generic canvas for HBM4EU)

Deliverable 5.2 1st substance-group specific derivation of EU-wide health-based guidance values

Deliverable 5.3 Scoping paper on the development of an indicator on chemical exposure in the European population


Work package 6: Sustainability and capacity building

Deliverable 6.1 First set of key indicators for HBM4EU, June 2017

Additional deliverable 6.1 Preliminary Report on different options for a sustainable EU HBM and feedback from different institutions

Deliverable 6.2 Guide for funding mechanisms and resources


Work package 7: Survey design and fieldwork preparation

Deliverable 7.1 Report on ongoing activities and existing data and data gaps for the 1st prioritised substances including a list of metadata that can be uploaded in IPCheM

Deliverable 7.2 Strategy and SOPs for human sample exchange, including ethical demands

Deliverable 7.3 1st prioritisation Report on survey design: Study protocols, SOPs and Guidelines, tailored and transferred questionnaires for recruitment and sampling

Deliverable 7.4 1st material for communication to participants, including informed consent


Work package 8: Targeted field work surveys and alignment at EU level

Deliverable 8.1 Description of the national programs A strategy to collect EU wide HBM data

Additional deliverable 8.1 Report on access to occupational data

Additional Deliverable AD 8.2 Research plan for chromates study under HBM4EU 

Deliverable 8.2 First report on biobank activities, August 2018

Deliverable 8.3 First report on targeted new fieldwork study results

Deliverable 8.4 Initial report on strategies adopted to align studies across Europe

Additional Deliverable – Cr fact sheets ; French, Finnish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch and Polish



Work package 9: Laboratory analysis and quality assurance

Deliverable 9.1 Criteria for the prioritisation of biomarkers, April 2017

Additional Deliverable 9.1 General guidance for new method development within HBM4EU and role of task 9.3 therein

Deliverable 9.2 Prioritised list of biomarkers, matrices and analytical methods for the 1st prioritisation round of substances

Deliverable 9.3 Database of candidate laboratories for the 1st prioritisation round of substances

Deliverable 9.4 The Quality Assurance/Quality Control Scheme in the HBM4EU project


Work package 10: Data management and analysis

Deliverable 10.1 Data Management Plan, July 2017

Annex to Deliverable 10.1 Data Policy, July 2017

Deliverable 10.2 Statistical Analysis Plan


Work package 11: Linking HBM, health surveys and registers

Deliverable 11.1 Report on opportunities and obstacles of combining HBM and health studies, availability of health studies with biological samples, availability of administrative registers, and guidelines for combining HBM and health studies

Additional Deliverable 11.1 How can the results from BRIDGE Health be incorporated to the work of HBM4EU?

Deliverable 11.2 – Report on workshop about opportunities and obstacles for linking HBM and health studies

Additional Deliverable 11.2 Criteria for feasibility studies


Work package 12: From HBM to exposure

Deliverable 12.1 Review paper on PBTK/D models for the 1st set of priority compounds

Additional Deliverable 12.1 Database of exposure-related and ancillary data for priority substances

Deliverable 12.2 Report on the optimal methodology for exposure reconstruction from HBM data

Additional Deliverable 12.2 Roadmap for model PBTK/D model refinement and analysis for priority substances

 HBM4EU_Additional Deliverable 12.4_Conceptual_design_integrated_computational_platform

HBM4EU_Additional Deliverable 12.5_ Risk characterisation of the 1st set of prioritised substances using external exposure estimated from HBM data: a methodological approach


Work package 13: Establishing exposure health relationships

Deliverable 13.1 Criteria for the selection of cohort studies, June 2017

Deliverable 13.2 Template for AOP update report for selected priority substances



Work Package 14: Effect biomarkers

Deliverable 14.1 Criteria for prioritisation of biomarkers of effect

Deliverable 14.2 List of effect biomarkers for the first set of prioritized substances, September 2018

Additional Deliverable 14.2 Granada Workshop: Effect biomarkers & establishing exposure and health relationships

Deliverable 14.4 Report on results of the selected biomarkers of combined effect [Proof of concept]


Work package 15: Mixtures, HBM and human health risks

Additional Deliverable 15.3 HBM mixture database description and proposal statistical analysis plan


Work package 16: Emerging chemicals

Deliverable 16.1 Prioritised list of known emerging chemicals

Additional Deliverable 16.1 Screening methods inventory

Additional Deliverable 16.3 Direct effect based approaches applied to the screening of emerging substances

Additional Deliverable 16.4 Emerging Substances

HBM4EU Deliverable 16.2_Workflow_for_screening_emerging_chemicals

HBM4EU Additional Deliverable 16.2_Emerging substances framework


The HBM4EU project was launched in 2016 with the aim of improving the collective understanding of human exposure to hazardous chemicals and developing HBM as an exposure assessment method. The project had €74m in funding and jointly implemented by 120 partners from 28 participating countries – 24 EU member states plus Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Israel and the European Environment Agency. One of its aims was to ensure the sustainability of HBM in the EU beyond 2021. The project ended in June 2022. The website will not be updated any longer, except the page on peer reviewed publications, but will be online until 2032.