The release of Bisphenols and PFAS policy briefs!
Following the logic of science to policy, HBM4EU has worked on policy briefs for each priority substance in order to provide valuable data to EU policymakers.
Summarizing the adverse human health effects and main exposure pathways for humans, these policy briefs aim to support the development of EU policies regarding chemicals through human biomonitoring.
The key findings for Bisphenols include the risk of internal exposure for adults examined under HBM4EU who have been found to be continuously exposed to BPA. For PFAS, the project has uncovered that the current exposure of parts of the EU population exceeds EFSA guidance values for PFAS exposure. Both discoveries call for wider restrictions and better coordination on the European level.
Access the full policy briefs through the hyperlinks above or at:
The HBM4EU project was launched in 2016 with the aim of improving the collective understanding of human exposure to hazardous chemicals and developing HBM as an exposure assessment method. The project had €74m in funding and jointly implemented by 120 partners from 28 participating countries – 24 EU member states plus Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Israel and the European Environment Agency. One of its aims was to ensure the sustainability of HBM in the EU beyond 2021. The project ended in June 2022. The website will not be updated any longer, except the page on peer reviewed publications, but will be online until 2032.